Getting in Touch

Have a question or suggestion? We’d love to hear from you! 

Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.

Report a Tree Down or other Access or Safety Issue

If you have encountered a fallen tree or other blockage/safety issue on the trails within the Park, please send the following info, with or without a photo, to

If you are uncertain as to the location of the obstruction in relation to the boundary of the Park, and you can add a GPS location, please do so, otherwise send your information and we will determine the location once onsite.

Location – be specific:
Trout Lake to Triangle Lake — before Burgerjon Loop Trail -OR- southeast portion of Loop trail -OR- northwest portion of Loop trail:
Redroofs to Triangle Lake — Falls Loop Trail -OR- Water Main trail portion -OR- above Falls Loop Trail portion.

Size (i.e. 16″ diam.)