2024 Recent Activities
- July 21, 2024 – Annual Intertidal Exploration Event with Lee-Ann Ennis On Sunday July 21st, the Annual Intertidal Exploration Event was held at Sargeant Bay. We had a great turnout! Adults and children alike helped collect, observe and document marine life in the intertidal zone of Sargeant Bay. This year we also had field microscopes set up to view fresh water and sea water microorganisms. Big thanks to Lee Ann Ennis and Dr. Donna Giberson for helping make the day such a success.
- Low Tide 2024
- May 26th – SBS BIRDING ON THE BERM – Tony Greenfield lead the annual bird walk at the park on Sunday, May 26th, 2024 starting at 9:00 am. This was a joint event between the Sargeant Bay Society and the Sunshine Coast Natural History Society.
- March 24th – SUNSHINE COAST NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY Homesite Creek Forest Walk
- May 14th – SARGEANT BAY BERM AND BEACH CLEAN UP – We had a good turnout for the 6th Annual Sargeant Bay Berm & Beach Clean Up. This was a team effort between members of the Sargeant Bay Streamkeepers and the Sargeant Bay Society.
- May 5th – BOTANY WALK – On May 5th, Kye Goodwin lead the group around the Breadner Loop on Truman Road in HMB. Leaving from the roadside parking on Truman road, the Loop takes about 2 hours and has a few rough parts to the trail. Good footwear is recommended and walking poles may offer assistance if you are so inclined.
- MAY 2nd – ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – The 2024 Sargeant Bay Society’s Annual General Meeting was held on May 2nd at Coopers Green Hall. There was a good turnout as we celebrated our first in person meeting since Covid-19 commenced. Below please find the minutes of the 2023 AGM that were approved at the meeting.
2023 Recent Activities
- 2023 Sargeant Bay Society Annual General Meeting Minutes (click on link below)
Sargeant Bay Society AGM Minutes 2023
2023 Sargeant Bay Autumn Clean Up On the morning of September 26th, a dedicated group of volunteers from the Sargeant Bay Society and the Sargeant Bay Streamkeepers cleaned up the beach, the trail and the marsh accesses on the berm.
The group managed to fill three truckloads of debris by trimming encroaching blackberries and Nootka Roses that had fallen onto some of the trails to the marsh. They improved view corridors along the berm as well as cleared debris at the waterfront. As the salmon migration window was quickly approaching, they also removed preliminary wooden debris at the beaver dams in the marsh.
Thanks to all the volunteers who made it out!
- 2023 Sargeant Bay Society Student Bursary Congratulations to Owen Tonis, the recipient of the 2023 Sargeant Bay Society Student Bursary. Enjoy your studies at the University of Victoria Owen!
- July 15, 2023 – Annual Intertidal Exploration Event with Lee-Ann Ennis Plan a family day at the Park! On Saturday, the Annual Intertidal Exploration Event will be held at Sargeant Bay starting at 10:30 am (to catch the low tide). We will observe and document marine life in the intertidal zone of Sargeant Bay.
- July 16, 2023 – Halfmoon Bay Country Fair Drop by our booth at the Halfmoon Bay Country Fair held at Coopers Green. We’ll be there all afternoon and have lots of information on hand!
- June 7, 2023 7:30 pm – Sargeant Bay Society AGM via zoom Become a member and join us at the AGM! Please refer to spring, 2023 newsletter for AGM agenda.
- June 3, 2023 9:00 am – Invasive Yellow-Flag Irises in Sargeant Bay Park Yellow-flag Irises are invading the wetland near the lower parking lot. In hopes of potentially eradicating them over the next few years, concerted effort must be made to take action. On Saturday June 3rd, volunteers removed the plants by cutting 2 inches below the waterline (only effective way to kill the plant) and removed the flowers of those we couldn’t get to. Volunteers came with their water gear of choice, cutting shears to remove flowers and gloves. Thanks to all who attended.
- May 21, 2023 0900 hours Botany Walk in Sargeant Bay Provincial Park Kye Goodwin enlightened us on various botany topics during our annual Botany Walk, where this year, we visited trails between Trout lake and Triangle Lake.
- May 13, 2023 0900 hours Birding on the Berm
Tony Greenfield held his annual birding walk which started from the upper parking lot at Sargeant Bay Park.
- April 22, 2023 0900 hours Halfmoon Bay Trails Clean-up SBS volunteers met at the Trout Lake parking area, where we joined our local volunteer trail maintenance crew and groomed selected trails in the Halfmoon Bay area.
- March 24, 2023: Homes for Wildlife Workshop The Sargeant Bay Society is joining the Halfmoon Bay Environmental Society and the Halfmoon Bay Community Association to subsidize the building of nest-boxes for the upcoming spring nesting season for our local birds/bats/pollinator populations. Children from Halfmoon Bay will have the cost of their nest box subsidized by 50% until the SBS/HBCoA/HBES donations are used up, so first come first served.
Come to Cooper’s Green on Sunday 26th March between 10 am and 2 pm and build your own nest boxes. For further information please click on the link below.
Homes for Wildlife Workshops March 2023 (1)
- March 11, 2023: Berm Cleanup We had a great turnout this year as we cleared extra brush and debris at the upper berm at Sargeant Bay Provincial Park. We were able to improve trail access on the berm and help provide better vantage points to Colvin Lake. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out.
Other Helpful Information
The Pumpkinseed Sunfish is an invasive species stirring up concern for Sunshine Coast aquatic ecosystems. The fish has a sparkle of colours that make them almost look tropical or like a colourful perch. The fish, native to eastern North America, can be considered a nuisance species, according to the department of Fisheries and Oceans website. They eat amphibians and small fish alike and can reach high densities, competing with native fish. They also have disastrous consequences for the local stickleback. If you come across one while fishing, please don’t put them back in the water.
- SBS Yellow Flag project Volunteers assisted with a major invasive species response in the Sargeant Bay wetland. The Sargeant Bay Society is planning a volunteer-led control program that initially involves the removal of all seed pods of the highly invasive Yellow Flag Iris.
- New Educational Signage in Smuggler Cove Prov. Park Thanks to a cooperative project between the the Ruby Lake Lagoon Society and the SBS, new educational signage has been installed in various parts of Smuggler Cove Provincial Park, including the Flora, the Songbirds and the Ferns of Smuggler Cove. A portion of the funds will also provide additional signage for the Triangle Loop Trail in Sargeant Bay Prov. Park.