Upcoming Events – Summer 2022

Summer Activities
After a COVID-hiatus, we’re resuming regular activities!
- July 16, 2022 0900 Hours: Call for Volunteers The wetland in Sargeant Bay Provincial Park has recently been infested with the very aggressive Yellow Flag Iris. The Sargeant Bay Society is planning a volunteer-led control program to remove all seed pods for transfer to a burn site for destruction. If you are able to help, please contact Rand Rudland at srgntbay.soc@gmail.com. Please see full information below.
- July 16, 2022 1200 Hours: Intertidal Exploration Event Plan a family day at the park! Join us for our annual intertidal exploration event where we will observe and document marine life in the intertidal zone of Sargeant Bay.
- July 17, 2022: Halfmoon Bay Country Fair Come visit our booth at the Halfmoon Bay Country fair at Coopers Green. We’ll be there all afternoon and will have lots of information on hand!

Recent Activities
- July 6, 2019: Marine Life at Sargeant Bay Join us for an afternoon with Lee-Ann Ennis and naturalists from the Sargeant Bay Society and the Iris Griffith Centre who will observe and document marine life in the intertidal zone of Sargeant Bay. Saltwater aquaria will be set up to display specimens. This is a great annual event for the whole family! Bring a picnic and join us for a fun afternoon.
- July 11th – August 5th, 2019 Annual BC Bat Count See information below!
- June 8, 2019 at 9:00 pm: Bat Monitoring A number of enthusiasts joined us at Sargeant Bay Park just before sunset on June 8th to learn more about our local bats. Help us throughout the summer by joining the BC Bat Count (info above).
- May 19, 2019: Birding on the Berm Tony Greenfield led an enthusiastic group on this annual welcome to spring event. __ people attended and __ specimens were observed.
- May 11, 2019: Botany Hike Local botany expert Kye Goodwin explored the unique plant life around Sargeant Bay. This two hour walk was well attended and helped local enthusiasts learn more about the habitats in Halfmoon Bay.
- May 2, 2019: Sargeant Bay Society AGM Our annual general meeting was held at Cooper’s Green where we learned about all the great work that occurred over the past year. A number of new activities will take place in the coming year. Stay tuned for updates!
- April 27, 2019: Annual Beach Clean Up The annual beach clean up was held the afternoon of April 27th. The morning was spent doing some annual maintenance to the park as we ready it for summer visitors (clipping back overgrown shrubs and bushes; ensuring easy accessibility of the park’s trails etc.).
- Streamkeepers Salmon Spawning Count Winter 2018 A number of Sargeant Bay members completed the Stream Keepers Course in late September, 2018. This was followed by a committed group of volunteers organizing a daily salmon monitoring schedule over the fall and early winter, 2018 of the lagoon, the fish ladder and Colvin Creek to record any sightings of returning salmon.
- New Educational Signage in Smuggler’s Cove Thanks to a cooperative project between the the Ruby Lake Lagoon Society and the Sargeant Bay Society, new educational signage will appear in various parts of Smuggler’s Cove Provincial Park, including information regarding the Flora, the Songbirds and the Ferns of Smuggler’s Cove. A portion of the funds will also provide additional signage for the Triangle Loop Trail.

The Spring, 2019 newsletter marks our 40th Anniversary of the Sargeant Bay Society! Download our Spring newsletter below to learn more about recent activities.